Welcome to Kajabaca

Transformation from pencil shakers to winemakers in 5 years' time (visit takes about one hour)
Welcome to Kajabaca winery. Here you will see our berry farm and the wine making facilities and you will hear how we ended up into this insane project and where we are with it now. You can taste and purchase our wines at the wine shop, and you can also enjoy our wines on the terrace while listening to the silence of our peaceful, but easy-to-reach wine farm.
Introduction tour is free on charge.
Kajabaca Vinery
Kajalahdentie 20, 31720 Urjalankylä
gsm. +358505774084

Winetasting at Kajabaca winery (ca 30 min)
Winetasting in laid back atmosphere.
Opportunity to taste Kajabaca's green currant and red gooseberry wines in the pretty surroundings. We serve some bread and cheese etc. to accompany the tasting. Tasting cost is 15 €/person.
Later in the summer Asta's special black currant wine is also available and the 3 wines tasting package at 18 €/person.
Once the tasting is done you are free to stay on our terrace and have another glass of our tasty Kajastus -wines.
Winetasting is a nice summer activity for a smaller group of visitors. The terrace holds comfortably up to 30 persons (building more terrace area is on the to-do-list for this season).
Kajabaca Vinery
Kajalahdentie 20, 31720 Urjalankylä
gsm. +358505774084

Ostoksille ja terassille voi tulla ilman tutustumiskäyntiäkin.
Mikäli porukkaa on bussillinen, varaa aika käyntiäsi varten.
Kajabacan viinitila
Kajalahdentie 20, 31720 Urjalankylä
gsm. 0445387453